Home Remedies for Dogs with Diarrhea

Discover natural ways to help your dog with diarrhea using simple home remedies like pumpkin, probiotics, and bone broth. Learn how to provide relief and promote healthy digestion for your furry friend.


Diarrhea in dogs can be a common and concerning issue for pet owners. While veterinary care is always recommended, there are some home remedies that can help alleviate the symptoms and provide relief to your furry friend.

1. Fasting

Fasting for 12-24 hours can help give your dog’s digestive system a rest and allow it to recover from diarrhea. Make sure to provide plenty of fresh water during this time.

2. Bland Diet

After the fasting period, gradually introduce a bland diet of boiled chicken and rice to help firm up your dog’s stools.

3. Pumpkin

Pumpkin is a great natural remedy for diarrhea in dogs. The fiber content helps regulate bowel movements and can help firm up stools.

4. Probiotics

Adding probiotics to your dog’s diet can help restore the balance of good bacteria in their gut, which can aid in digestion and alleviate diarrhea.

5. Bone Broth

Bone broth is easy on the stomach and can help keep your dog hydrated while providing essential nutrients.

6. Yogurt

Plain, unsweetened yogurt with live cultures can also help balance your dog’s gut flora and improve digestion.

7. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that can help soothe your dog’s digestive system and reduce diarrhea.

8. Stay Hydrated

Make sure your dog has access to plenty of fresh water to prevent dehydration, especially during bouts of diarrhea.


While these home remedies can help alleviate symptoms of diarrhea in dogs, it’s important to consult with your veterinarian if the diarrhea persists or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms. With proper care and treatment, your furry friend will be back to their happy and healthy self in no time.

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